Welcome to the

Stockport Homes
Annual Report

2023 - 2024

The introduction of new Tenant Satisfaction Measures will assess how we are doing at providing good quality homes and services, as well as being transparent with our performance and where there is room for improvement.

Key to achieving this vision is your feedback and involvement, which has continued to shape our services for almost 20 years. This collaborative approach has produced the 2023/24 Annual Report, with what matters most to customers at the forefront of its layout, design and digital format. 

This year, we’re creating more opportunities than ever to hear from you and we welcome your attendance at events, activities and Cornerstone, which continues to be a hub for so many customers.

It all
started with

Safety & Quality

More than ever over the past 12 months ‘Home’ has become somewhere we live, work from, and thrive in, which is why we've invested over £5.1m to keep 100% of your homes safe. As your landlord, customer health and safety is at the heart of all home improvements, adaptations and maintenance, giving you peace of mind every time you step through the front door. 

£5.1 million

invested to keep 100% of homes safe


of repairs completed on first visit

13.5 Days

average time taken to re-let dwellings

£14.4 million

invested through the Capital Programme


of emergency Repairs completed on time


Asbestos surveys completed 

Damp, Mould & Condensation

Stockport Homes has deployed a dedicated taskforce to proactively address Damp, Mould and Condensation issues within its properties, as well as looking at how we future proof them. Over the past 12 months, all frontline staff have attended face-to-face training on Damp, Mould and Condensation so that we can be more responsive when speaking to and visiting customers. All SHG colleagues have also completed online awareness training to ensure everyone understands the importance of their role and how they can play their part.

"Today we were visited by three brilliant people to deal with the mould in the house. They were really efficient, kind and caring people and have done a truly amazing job, removing all traces of mould." 

Stockport Homes Customer

Neighbourhoods & Communities

Connecting with others and growing as a community is essential to living a happy, healthy life. Whether you have joined one of our neighbourhood events, completed an online survey or met up with our team at Cornerstone, your feedback supports our ambition to create more inclusive and prosperous neighbourhoods for all customers to enjoy… and be proud to call home. 


satisfied with the outcomes of their ASB case 


Tenant satisfaction with area caretaking service 


Satisfaction with SHG as a Landlord

The average satisfaction with
Greater Manchester Housing Providers is 76%

See how we compare with other Housing Providers here 


Trees Planted 


Gardening competition entrants 


Tenant satisfaction with block caretaking service 

Resolution Officer

The Neighbourhood Resolution Officer was launched in March 2023 with the aim to find amicable resolutions to initial complaints of noise. In this time, the officer has dealt with 353 noise-related matters and supported households to make positive changes within their community.

New Homes,
New Communities


new homes completed 


new homes
for sale 


new homes
for social rent


new homes

Re-imagining Thriving Communities of the Past

Viaduct Housing Partnership celebrated the opening of The Chimneys, on 20th July 2023, bringing 16 shared ownership properties to the market - a welcome addition to Stockport and the surrounding area of Lancashire Hill.

Brighter Futures 


Stockport Pantries Social Value


Care leavers signed up to use Local Pantries 


Holiday Club and School Workshops Delivered 

including 105 one-to-one sessions with young people 


Community Grants secured, totalling £636,137 


Volunteering Hours

from Civil Society Support Strategy work and pantry volunteers 

Customer Employment and Training

Our Employment and Services Teams supported 385 customers into employment, delivered 161 training sessions with 1,116 attendees and provided 102 health and wellbeing sessions over the past 12 months, supporting customers to live a life with more ambition and fulfilment.

Supporting Young People Across Stockport

SKylight Holiday Club runs during school holidays at Bridgehall Community Centre. Young People can arrive at 10am where they can grab breakfast before exciting activities begin.  

One-to-one Sessions

Holiday Club Interventions

Mental Toughness Sessions

"This club was brilliant for my children. It has been a vital resource for me. As well as the meal package that was sent home every day, they have had days out that I wouldn't have been able to afford." 

Parent and Stockport Homes Customer


Your tenancy matters; to you, the people you live with and to us as your landlord. We’re committed to supporting the individual needs of all households no matter what their circumstance may be. Access to excellent services is the first step towards a brighter future, and your feedback helps to make them as fair, responsive and accessible as they can be, providing stability in your tenancy and everyday life.

Last year, 46 of the 182 tenants supported through mutual exchange had a recognised housing need like overcrowding, under-occupying or medical conditions. By not ending their tenancy and seeking alternative accommodation, the tenants and the work of the teams involved created efficiencies in void repairs and void rent loss, saving £226,228.

Rent and Service Charges Collected

Customers supported to obtain additional income, totalling £6.7m

Customers claiming Universal Credit

Rent arrears as a proportion of rent charged

Evictions due to rent arrears

High arrears cases, down from 274 in 22/23

Damien's Story

From homelessness to temporary accommodation and eventually full-time employment with SKylight's furniture recycling scheme, Damien tells his unique story to inspire others who may find themselves in a similar situation. Click on the video to find out more.

People Prevented from being Homeless

Relief Duties Accepted

Discretionary Housing Payments

Hardship Fund Payments

Energy advice consultations completed

Fuel vouchers received by customers

Saved through switched, refunds or compensation

Home or
remote visits

Carecall and Concierge

Over the past 12 months, Carecall's monitoring and fall response service received 150,740 calls, welcomed 943 new clients and attended 5,608 emergency home visits, enabling people to live independently in their own homes 365 days of the year.

Transparency, Accountability and Data

The Customer Charter has been developed alongside customers, with the intention to drive forward our services to customers and allow us to test how we are doing and see how we can improve. The five main aims of the Customer Charter focus on how we will be responsive, listen and learn, be great at communication, be flexible and fair and how we will always be respectful. Find out more about these by clicking the links below. 


We have seen an increase in complaints from these areas: Repairs, Complaints Handling and Communal Areas

Compliments Received

Mainly from these areas:
Carecall, Customer Access
and Maintenance

Complaints resolved within 10 days

Satisfaction of complaint handling

The average satisfaction with Greater Manchester Housing Providers is 42%

Marketing and Communications

Communicating with customers online remains a priority as we continue to listen to your feedback and seek innovative ways to keep you informed, like our customer newsletter which you can sign-up to here.

Social media posts

Customer Newsletter Opens

Find a Home Page Visits

Overall Website Visitors

What Matters Most Customer Roadshow

During July 2023, 95 Stockport Homes colleagues took part in the ‘What Matters Most’ Customer Roadshow, visiting customers in their local community to gather and use feedback to make positive changes. We spoke with 362 customers, visiting 279 at home and received 83 completed online surveys!

Customer Voice & Experience Group

Last year we created a specialist Customer Voice and Experience Group that combined colleagues from across SHG to champion services from a customers perspective. Since their formation, the group has helped develop customer voice, supported events and driven forward positive change for customers every single day. 

Each £1 that is spent on services comes from

2p from Income from collecting water
on behalf of United Utilities

10p from Service charges and other income

88p from Rents

How each £1 is spent on services

1p on Money kept for future investment

11p on Interest and Principal Debt Repayments

20p on Major Repairs

2p on Water rates paid to United Utilities and commission earned for collecting them

66p on Day to day management
and maintenance of properties

Your Voice Matters

We want your voice to be heard. Not only does it shape our services, but keeps customers at the heart of their delivery. Over the next 12 months, growing the number of volunteers, panel members and community champions is a priority for Stockport Homes to build on the successes of 2023/24, however there are a number of ways you can share your thoughts with us...

Physical copies of this report are available in a range of formats by contacting the Marketing Team and if you would prefer to watch any of the videos without background music, please let us know.